Monday, August 25, 2008

True Friends

This weekend's trip to Boston re-affirmed my feelings about what true friends are...not to get sappy on you but I feel the need to share. 
True friends invite you on trips that could be easier without the added challenge of a second baby's schedule in the mix. 
True friends are enthusiastic about your arrival even when you're venting about the 7-hour drive with traffic on the way there.
True friends allow you to feel comfortable being your real you can be frustrated with your spouse for being late, excited by the Arctic Seal exhibit at the Aquarium, or exhausted when your baby cries through breakfast and they understand.
True friends celebrate each other's baby's accomplishments rather than compete by comparing who nursed longer, which baby walked first, etc. 
True friends contribute to conversations, voice their opinions, guide you through new experiences, and are there to listen.
True friends make the most of any situation because when you're a new parent, you learn to take full advantage of the time you are given with each other.
We're lucky to have found such true friends in our neighborhood. Thank you to our friendly fellow West New York Mommas & Poppas. :)

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