It's me. Your blog-lady.
Most of you know me.
For those that don't...here I am.
Not in "all my glory", unfortunately...just hanging with my baby at my homegirl's place. (Shout out Justine.) ;)
So my name is Azie (ah-zee as in Ozzy Osbourne, Ozzie & Harriet, Ozzie Smith, The Wizard of Ozzie...need I go on?)
My son, Hunter, is a week shy of 8 months old. Yikes! Where does the time go?
Don't be afraid to come say hi. I am on the promenade every evening at around 6pm trying to walk off whatever damage I did in the short time Hunter was sleeping and I was unconsciously phone-snacking. (I snack randomly while on the phone then hang up and wonder why there's peanut butter on my chin, granola bar crumbs in my shirt, and half a pickle on the counter.)
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