So I've gotten QUITE a lot of questions about the Cloth Diapers since I made the switch.
I am not a CD Warrior, we only use them part-time for now (no nights, no traveling, no babysitters).
I am in no way attempting to persuade anyone to do what we've chosen to do - like everything else baby, it's a personal decision.
However, for those of you who have asked I have some info.
First of all, it's SOOOOO easy!
It's literally identical to disposables except you have to wash them.
Really not a big deal.
Most moms won't blink twice at an extra load of daily laundry.
The kind I use are called pocket diapers...which means there is a pocket in the crotch-area (yeah, that's the actual term...) and you put a cloth pad inside. You can use terry cloth or hemp
or whatever else you'd like...mine came with terry cloth inserts.
I've tried both Bum Genius and Fuzzi Buns and I think the latter is more difficult so I've been buying more of the Bum Genius brand.
They are velcro, just like a disposable, and easier to manipulate around a writhing baby.
Fuzzi Buns have snaps and Hunter doesn't have the patience.
Surprisingly, they wick away moisture so he is dry even when his diaper is wet.
In addition, the fabric is SO easy to clean -- (no stains yet even with the big messes) -- that when there is a poopy diaper (TMI coming up) it rinses right out without soaking in.
Here's what you use to clean the #2 diapers:

It attaches to your toilet...just a quick rinse off, flush, and then put the diaper in a bag until you are ready to load your washer. Easy! It takes an extra 5 minutes or less per poopy diaper but it's super easy and not at all gross, otherwise I wouldn't be doing it!
If you have any other questions, feel free to email me.
Overall, I love that I am being kinder to Hunter's toosh, better to Mother Earth, and more cost-conscious.
The diapers can be purchased for between $17 - $21 each -- but knowing I can reuse them for months rather than spending $140 per month on diapers is a breath of fresh, unpolluted air. ;)