Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Something special at Ben and Jerry's
Hell of a Dad
So while I was in England I called daily and got the report. She still was hardly eating or drinking and was still laying around like a limp noodle. But, to my pleasant surprise, Justyn was really getting creative when it came to getting her to stay hydrated. He was giving her pops and he said he had little waters with straws in them and sippy cups all around the house. He was getting up several times a night to give her a bottle of pedialte and in the morning he would even bring her to bed with him.
To be honest, it blew me away. I mean, I know Justyn is a very capable guy, and a great dad, but this seemed to go above and beyond in my book. He really changed my view. This dad is just as good at nurturing as this mom. ;-) cool. I'm not usually this happy about being proven wrong but in this case I really am glad.
So ladies, if your husband ever offers to watch the little one so you can get away and have some time to yourself, don't fear. Give him a chance. He may just surprise you. So, take advantage of the opportunity and go. It will be a learning experience for everyone.
The irony of it all was that I was looking forward to having Justyn see how hard it is to be a stay home mom so he could appreciate what I do a little more, and in the end I ended up appreciating him a little more instead.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
What to do
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Toddlers and Sleep

Here's a great article from kidshealth.org
Toddlers are increasingly aware of their surroundings, so distractions might disrupt them at bedtime. Their growing imaginations can start to interrupt sleep, too. Now more than ever, a simple and consistent bedtime routine is a parent's best bet for getting a sleepy toddler snugly into bed.
Toddlers and Sleep
You're the best judge of how much sleep your child needs. Most toddlers between the ages of 1 and 2 require about 10-13 hours of sleep a day. Whether all these hours are slept at night or split up between nighttime sleeping and daytime naps is up to you.
Some parents find that their kids need that sleep during the day. Others find that daytime napping interferes with a good night's sleep and that a rest period (quiet playing or reading) works better. If this occurs, you may want to combine two short naps into one or do away with naps altogether. That's OK— kids don't need to nap every single day.
It may take several weeks of experimenting until you find the right combination of sleep and naps. Just make sure your toddler is getting enough rest. It can mean the difference between a happy, sunny disposition and a cranky, hard-to-manage child. Try to get in tune with your little one's needs and personality.
Where and How Should a Toddler Sleep?
Most likely your 1- to 2-year-old will still be sleeping in a safe, secure crib. Remember not to put any extra-large soft toys or stuffed animals in the crib, and look out for items with ties or strings that could wind up around your toddler's neck. Also, be on constant lookout for nearby objects your child might be able to reach from a standing position in the crib: curtains, window blind pulls, pictures, or wall hangings are all possibilities.
Your curious toddler may be looking for ways to climb over the crib railing in an effort to "break out" of the crib. Don't leave a lot of toys to pile up and climb, and if you haven't taken down those bumper pads, do it now so that your child doesn't try to use them as a step.
If you have an active climber who is getting out of the crib and suddenly appearing in the living room, you might want to consider moving him or her to a bed. It will be difficult at first to keep your toddler in it, but at least you'll know your child won't be hurt climbing out of a crib.
Your toddler also may begin waking up at night, for several reasons. Sometimes it's discomfort, such as teething pain or illness. Sometimes it's mild separation anxiety: "Where's Mommy? Where's Daddy?" Dreams and nightmares can begin to affect toddlers, who have a difficult time distinguishing these from reality. Be mindful of any videos or books he or she sees just before bedtime, and keep the content mild.
Look around for an environmental cause for your toddler's nighttime awakenings. Toddlers are notorious for not staying covered at night, so in the colder months you might want to dress your child in heavy pajamas for warmth.
Is there too much noise coming from an adjoining room? Toddlers will learn to sleep with some noise, but a loud TV or too much conversation close by can be disrupting.
Check out your child's room from your perspective. Make it someplace you would sleep soundly and chances are you'll make it more comfortable for your toddler.
Helping Your Child Sleep
By now you've probably found the right combination — like a warm bath and a bedtime story — that helps relax your child. Stay with it and don't let it get overly long. The backrub that seems like a treat now may not be so appealing when it's demanded night after night for longer and longer periods. Decide how many drinks of water you'll allow and how many times you'll retrieve the toy that's thrown out of the crib in defiance of bedtime.
Get used to setting the rules and sticking to them. This not only helps your child get more sleep now, but also helps you later if other, more serious discipline problems arise.
If your toddler awakens in the middle of the night, just as when he or she was younger, you'll want to quietly and quickly provide reassurance that everything is OK and you are close by. But too much interaction can backfire, so keep your nighttime "visits" brief and boring for your toddler.
If you have an early riser, you can help keep sunlight from waking your toddler by keeping curtains or blinds closed. Also try putting a few safe toys in the crib — they may keep your child busy in the morning.
When to Call the Doctor
Sleep problems that seem severe to you, such as recurring nightmares, should be discussed with your doctor.
Bet you didn't know that!

Hey Mammas. Preparing for that meditation class has kept me so busy that I have been remiss in blogging..please forgive me..
So tonight I bring to the most amazing website that allows you to look at the nutritional value of all of our favorite fruits and veggies.
Did you know that a
Mango has 76% of a days rec amount of Vitamin C
navel orange has 130% of a days rec amount of Vitamin C
and a kiwi has 273%!!!!
There are many more surprised to be found there...
Take a look for yourself.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Meditation Class

As some of you know I am a Buddhist and I study meditation in NYC at the Chakrasambara Buddhist center. I am studying in order to learn how to teach meditation and basic Buddhist teachings. I expect to be teaching in a few years; however, one of my fellow students, Miri, is going away for a few weeks and asked me to cover her class for her. So...I will be teaching a meditation class this Sunday in Jersey City. It will be the first time I am teaching and I'm pretty nervous so I can't promise it will be any good but I'm going to give it my best shot. I have no idea if any of you guys would be interested in coming but I thought I'd put the info out there just in case. I'll be teaching on "The power of intention"
I'd love to see you there.
Here's the info
Jersey City
11:30 - 1pm
$10 per class
New Series
Buddha's Guide to a Healthy Life
In his teaching on the three higher trainings, Buddha presented a comprehensive program for a healthy, happy, and meaningful life. In this series Miri will present us with Buddha's special recipe.
May 10 The Components of a Balanced and Healthy Life
May 17 The Power of Intention
May 24 Training 1: Skillful Action
May 31 Training 2: Meditation for Health
June 7 Training 3: A Life Guided by Wisdom
Meditation in Noho
New Location
Barrow Mansion
83 Wayne St
Jersey City, NJ 07302
Call (212)924-6706
5 minutes walking distance from Grove Street station. From New York City: Take PATH train to Grove Street Station. Exit station onto Grove Street. Walk straight down Christopher Columbus Drive to Barrow Street, turn left into Barrow Street. Turn right into Wayne Street. Barrow Mansion is the house with the white columns on the left.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
I hope for all the mommies out there a day of relaxation and peace. Being a mom is a rewarding but challenging experience that can't really be understood until it is experienced first hand. So today, while we bask in the glory of being the "greatest mom" (or so the card says) lets also spend today contemplating the kindness of our own mother's
To me, my teacher says it best...so here are a few words from him
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso-
"It is very easy to forget our mother's kindness, or to take it for granted and remember only the times when we think she harmed us; so we need to remember in detail how kind our mother has been to us from the very beginning of this life.
When we were in our mother's womb she protected us carefully, more carefully than she would guard a most precious jewel. In every situation she thought of our saftey. She consulted doctors, exercised, ate special foods, and nurtured us day and night for nine months; and she was also mindful not to do anything that might damage the development of our physical and mental faculties. Because she looked after us so well, we were born with a normal and healthy body that we can use to accomplish so many good things.
At the time of our birth our mother experienced great pain, but when she saw us she felt happier than if someone had presented her with a superb treasure. Even during the agony of childbirth our welfare was foremost in her mind. When we were newly born, although we looked more like a frog than a human being, our mother loved us dearly. We were completely helpless, even more helpless than a newbown foal, who can at least stand up and feed as soon as it is born. We were as if blind, unable to identify our parents, and we could not understand anything. If someone had been preparing to kill us, we would not have known. We had no idea what we were doing. We could not even tell when we were urinating.
Who cared for and protected this scarecely human thing? It was our mother. She clothed it, cradled it and fed it with her own milk. She removed the filth from its body without feeling any disgust. Sometimes mothers remove the mucus from their baby's nose by using their own mouths becuase they do not want to cause the baby any pain by using their rough hands. Even when our mother had problems, she always showed us a loving expression and called us sweet names. While we were small our mother was constantly watchful. If she had forgotten us for even a short time, we might have met our death or been disabled for life. Each day of our early childhood our mother rescued us from many disasters, and she always considered things from the point of view of our own safety and well-being.
In the winter she would make sure that we were warm and had good clothing, even when she herself was cold. She always selected the best things for us to eat, taking the worst for herself; and she would rather have been sick herself than see us sick. She would rather have died herself than see us die. Our mother naturally behaves towards us like someone who has gained the realization of exchanging self with others, cherishing us even more than she cherishes herself. She is able to put our welfare before her own, and she does so perfectly and spontaneously. If someone were to threaten to kill us she would offer herself to the killer instead. She has such compassion for us.
When we were small our mother would not sleep well. She slept lightly, walking every few hours and remaining alert for our cry. As we grew older our mother taught us how to eat, drink, speak, sit, and walk. She sent us to school and encouraged us to do good things in life. If we have any knowledge and skills now, it is mainly as a result of her kindness. When we grew older and became adolescent, we preferred to be with out friends and we would completely forget our mother. While we enjoyed ourself it was as if our mother had ceased to exist, and we would remember her only when we needed something from her. Although we were forgetful and allowed ourself to become completely absorbed in the pleasures we enjoyed with our friends, our mother remained continuously concerned for us. She would often become anxious, and in the back of her mind there was always some worry about us. She had the kind of worry we normally have only for ourself. Even when we are grown up and have a family of our own, our mother does not cease to care for us. "
Getting along with your mother seasier for some than others, but today is a wonderful day to put the past aside and cherish the person in this world who made your being a mother possible, for without her, we wouldn't even exist.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Another Rainy Day

Is anyone else SICK OF THE RAIN!!??? Alexarya and I are so bored of the mall. Will this rain ever end? The forecast says not for a while... I've been getting desperate. Today we went to Puppetonia, which by the way, is having a Monday at 10am discount ($100 for 3 months) After puppetonia, we went to the apple store, where they confirmed that all my photots from Jan 25th on had been accidentally deleted from my computer, oh my, and after that Alexarya played in the little play area there. Then we went for lunch at PF Changs. Afterward we went to the playroom in building 25. We ran into Madeleine and the girls had some run. Madeleine, in case you didn't know, IS TALKING...oh my.. That girl is such a star.
I am wondering where the rest of the mommies have been hiding out.. When it rains, it seems like we are all on our own... I miss you guys...
Nursery Rhymes