So today Justyn and Alexarya had their day together while I was off receiving the empowerment of Medicine Buddha. They went to VanSaun Park in Paramus and they had a BLAST! There were playgrounds divided by age group and they played in all of them (most were still wet from the morning rain) so her play was limited. They went on a train that went around the zoo! Then they came across a pony. Kids can ride on her for 2 bucks and so Justyn put Alexarya on. Good thing I wasn't there cause I'd have vetod that move, however, I wasn't, so off she went... Believe it or not, she loved it. Stayed on the whole time all by herself.. All by herself!
Wow - I saw the horse pic and about had a stroke! lol -- Dads are much more open to dangerously fun things, huh? It's something Trav would do, too, I'm afraid. I guess they have to balance out us overly-cautious mommas. Glad she had fun & you had the chance to do somthing for yourself.