Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Food Exploration

So instead of recipe of the week I think I might try to include you in my food exploration with Alexarya. These days I am trying to help her learn to feed herself as much as possible, try new foods and have a good time eating. I have resigned myself to the fact that it gets messy and that it's just part of the fun. I find that if I am well prepared (wipes on hand, big plastic bib for her, clothes I don't care too much about on me)I have a an easier time just letting go and being relaxed. Alexarya is certainly not as good an eater as Hunter (who could be) so many times I have to be very patient when feeding her. I try my best to make it a scheduled activity when we are home and give us plenty of time to enjoy. Another thing I have found is that Alexarya will try new foods much more easily if I will eat them first, let her feed them to me or let her feed them to herself. If at first she doesn't like a new food (or an old favorite) I will give her a little time, eat some myself, make some yumm yumm noises and try again. If I still can't get her to eat more I will offer it to her again latter that day or in the next few days and move on to something else.
I'm sure you have found too that sometimes they are just not hungry and no matter what you try, they don't want I've hear that's okay too. When they get hungry they will eat. It's better to not force food, or create a tense environment around feeding. So just let it go with a smile.

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