Oh boy..teething sucks..poor baby, poor mommy. Alexarya and I have not had to deal much with the issue of teething till now cause she still only had two teeth, but starting last week, the torture began. A new tooth just broke the surface and I think she is getting another one somewhere cause her hands are constantly in her mouth, she is cranky cranky cranky and she's doesn't eat much. I can understand. If a sharp, pointy, tooth was trying to slice through my virgin gums I wouldn't feel much like pressing on them either. Alexarya was up at 4:30am last night crying in pain...So what is a mom to do?!! Short of stopping the teeth from coming in, I guess we can only just be good mommies... We can be loving, compassionate and patient; always trying to remember that the crabby and whiny baby was not always this way and will not continue to be this way after the pain subsides (only 17 more to go!). We can read up on and try new things to alleviate the discomfort, even if it's only for a moment. We can share our ideas with each other cause you never can tell which things might help.
Here are some of the things I have tried
Please e-mail me some of your favorites so I can add them to the post.
1. A frozen grape (I always keep a bunch in the freezer)
2. Vanilla teething ring
3. Hylands teething tablets... 3 at a time before each nap or bedtime and 1 during the day every 20 minutes till she is less crabby. (works pretty nicely) "This homeopathic combination of natural substances relieves the restlessness peevish whining and irritability."
4. baby orajel (she likes to bite on the bottle. It's a good size and texture)
5.This one she really likes. I bought a box of pedialyte pops and cut them all open and poured out the pedialyte. Then I filled the plastic shells with 90% water and %10 grape juice. I put them back in the box (carefully) and froze them. When we are home and I see Alexarya with her hand in her mouth (poor thing) I put her in her booster chair, roll up her sleeves, put on the bib and give her the ice pop. I break it in the middle so she can squeeze it and have the ice come up as she wants. She loves it. I'm sure it numbs her gums so they don't hurt as much but it's also just a great distraction for her. The plastic covering keeps this from being super messy like a regular ice pop would be, so it's good for me too.
6. I have heard a frozen wash cloth works too, but I forgot I knew that. I'm going to try it tomorrow! heehe
7. Love and Patience and Love Love Love
It must be in the water! Riley cut his third tooth Monday night and I believe there are two more on their way because his gums are very swollen in the front. Let the fun begin!