Well if you haven't already heard West New York will be the place to be tomorrow. For the first (and maybe the last) time ever the 4th of July fireworks show will take place right here outside our very own windows. Seems it is the 400th Anniversary of the discovery of the Henry Hudson. YEAH!!!! Very exciting. As you may already know River Road will be closed at 6pm till midnight to allow for emergency vehicles to get through and the ferry will stop running here at 4:30 and won't resume until 11:30, so plan on staying put for the whole day. As all of your guest will be held hostage for the entire day chose them wisely.. ;-) We are having 20 people over. OMG. Justyn LOVES 4th of July and fireworks so he really wanted to go all out. He was too excited to sleep last night. (He is too adorable) So, if you are anywhere near our place tomorrow please feel free to stop in and say "hi". I'm sure we will be down by the pool as well so we may see you there, however, if we don't run into you, ENJOY YOUR 4TH... and remember today we should celebrate our freedom. We are quite fortunate people to live in a place where we are free to pursue our happiness without much restriction. So pursuit and rejoice.
As The Declaration says:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
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