Way to go moms! Swim class was a hit!
Fun Fun Fun
The kiddies seemed to enjoy it, which I guess was the point.
There was very little crying...and the only one who got bored and wanted out was Alexarya (but we're used to that by now)
We didn't get thrown out for not having passes! yeah
Vadim showed up on time.
I'd say it went better than expected
Some of you mommies (i'm not saying who, but you know who you are) look way too good in your bikinis to have yr 1/2 olds! No fair! Please eat some cake before the next class!!
Kindly, Justyn hung out and took some photos and videos for us so I could post them on the blog..Thanks sweetie.
Riley couldn't join is today cause he was under the weather...feel better Riley. We missed you. Olivia is sick too but managed to make Tracy drag her down to the pool just to watch. She will definitely be coming in next week.
As for the babies who didn't get up from their naps on time....we missed you too. Hope you at least dreamt of swimming.
Thanks for the "shout out" to Riley! We were sooo bummed to miss out on the first week of swim lessons. Thankfully the antibiotics seem to be working and Riley is getting back to himself. Even took three steps today!!!