Monday, June 29, 2009

A beautiful summer day at the pool

Finally!!! We had some nice weather in West New York. None of the mommies wasted a moment getting on their suits and jumping in the pool with their little ones. Kelly and Madeleine were there, Katie and Marlo, Michelle and Jet, my bestie Avi and her son Aaron and about 4 mommies and babies I didn't know. The stairs were packed with kids waking in and out of the pool. It was a day of smiles and snack sharing. So good to see everyone hanging out.. Nomi, you'd better go get a suit asap!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Post from Lara and Thomas

Hi Justine,

I wanted to just let you know that a few moms from PI are starting to
get together for a weekly babies and toddlers playgroup on Thursdays
from 11-12pm in the playroom of bldg 25. I'd love to see you and your
daughter there if it works for you, and also, if you'd like, please
feel free to post this on your blog to let the other moms know too.

Best regards,
Lara and Tomas

Saturday, June 13, 2009

VanSaun Park

So today Justyn and Alexarya had their day together while I was off receiving the empowerment of Medicine Buddha. They went to VanSaun Park in Paramus and they had a BLAST! There were playgrounds divided by age group and they played in all of them (most were still wet from the morning rain) so her play was limited. They went on a train that went around the zoo! Then they came across a pony. Kids can ride on her for 2 bucks and so Justyn put Alexarya on. Good thing I wasn't there cause I'd have vetod that move, however, I wasn't, so off she went... Believe it or not, she loved it. Stayed on the whole time all by herself.. All by herself!

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Armory

Wow. The Armory was a blast. There were tons of kids running around, smiling and laughing. There was a huge beautiful ball pit for them to play in, tons of dangling spices (yes, very bizarre) a rug made of squishy fabric to roll around on and a pit filled with spices trapped inside some stocking type material (hard to describe) but it was all sooo cool. The exhibit will remain open all weekend so I highly suggest you check it out.
It's on Park Ave between 67th and 68th street. 643 Park. It cost $10 per adult. Have fun!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Exhibit at the Armory in NYC

No time to write a post. Must get some sleep. Here's the link. It looks very cool. We will be going tomorrow afternoon.

Englewood Library Update

Alexarya and I went to the Englewood library today at it was really cool. There were tons of toys for a 40 minute play time and 20 minutes of singing familiar favorites in a big circle. There must have been 15-2 kids there. All pretty young and no crazy brat packs. A dad in the group told me that the group is usually much smaller.. Maybe all the rain has made many of us moms and nannys so desperate that we've had to search out new activities. I know I'm getting bored of Alexarya's toys!! The library was a refreshing change from our living room, at least it was to me. After about 25 minutes Alexarya was harassing me to put her raincoat back on so we could She has been doing that a lot lately..Even at the Little Gym, which she has always had lots of fun at. Part of the way through the class she goes over and stands by the door whining to get out. I have no idea what she's thinking..."We are at the fun place right now, sweetie" I try to explain to her, but she just wants to purell and go.. I'm hoping its just a phase and not he beginning of a life of dissatisfaction..(I must sound like a nut) I guess its times like that that I miss having Olga and Alina here. Alina was always off from the group too and I guess it made me feel better knowing at least one other kid who refused to sit in their moms lap for a sing-a-long.
Well the schedule of the library has changed and the new schedule is this:
No Thursday play all summer.
Monday play at 10am starting on the 29th.
We have a commitment to puppetonia till July 27 on Mondays but we will go to it after that...Hope to see many of you there and hope some of you check it out after the 29th on a rainy day. It's worth the commute..

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Story Time in Englewood

Check out this fun story time at Englewood library from 10-11 on Mondays and Thursdays
31 Engle St
Englewood, NJ 07631

ToysRus Special Event (click here)

Saturday June 13th

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Swim Class Update

OKay, so we are all set for the swim class. It will be held on Friday's at 2pm at the pool behind building 25. The first class will be on July 10th... The cost will be $20 a class/ pay as you go. I need a list of all the mommies and babies, (first and last names) to give the instructor so please send that to me if you plan on attending. Yeah.... I can't wait to swim together. It's going to be such a blast.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Turtle Back Zoo

Sunday Justyn took Alexarya to Turtle back zoo. He said it was really fun and that there were tons of things for kids to see and enjoy. Most of it was outdoors and it was a nice day so they hung out there for a few hours. There is a carousel to ride, a peacock to admire and tons of birds you could feed. A stick filled with seeds cost $2 and the birds sit right on it and eat lunch. There is also a zoo there, but Justyn didn't go to that to that part, so I have no news about it. You'll just have to check it out for yourself.
The zoo is open M-Sat 10-4:30 and Sun 11-5:30.

10AM to 4:30PM Monday - Saturday*

11AM to 5:30PM Sunday*

10AM to 4:30PM Monday - Saturday*

11AM to 5:30PM Sunday*

Casey and Bella's Birthday

We went to Casey and Bella's party on Saturday and had a blast. Alexarya got to take her picture with the dogs which she loved!!!!! There was face painting and raffles and, of course, ice cream. We ran into Rena and Ella (who was wear the cutest little silver shoes...Ella not Rena) and they seemed to be enjoying the insanity as well. I also had a chance to meet a few moms and one dad from the The North Jersey Moms Meetup Group. The organizer, Kristin, was there with her son. I have been loking insto getting together with some of their moms for a while but this was only the second time it work out for us schedule wise. Like most, they were a sweet grooup with fun kids and I am definitely going to try to make more of an effort to meet up with them more often. I'll keep you all posted as to thier get togethers and I hope you can come too...
Here are a few pics from the party on Sat... enjoy

Friday, June 5, 2009

Reminder about the party tomorrow

Remember tomorrow at 12pm there is birthday party at 12 for the dog and cat. Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Peace Love Mom shirts

When to Start Caring for a Child's Teeth

Proper dental care begins even before a baby's first tooth appears. Remember that just because you can't see the teeth doesn't mean they aren't there. Teeth actually begin to form in the second trimester of pregnancy. At birth your baby has 20 primary teeth, some of which are fully developed in the jaw.

Running a damp washcloth over your baby's gums following feedings can prevent buildup of damaging bacteria. Once your child has a few teeth showing, you can brush them with a soft child's toothbrush or rub them with gauze at the end of the day.

Even babies can have problems with dental decay when parents do not practice good feeding habits at home. Putting your baby to sleep with a bottle in his or her mouth may be convenient in the short term — but it can harm the baby's teeth. When the sugars from juice or milk remain on a baby's teeth for hours, they may eat away at the enamel, creating a condition known as bottle mouth. Pocked, pitted, or discolored front teeth are signs of bottle mouth. Severe cases result in cavities and the need to pull all the front teeth until the permanent ones grow in.

Parents and child care providers should also help young children develop set times for drinking during the day as well because sucking on a bottle throughout the day can be equally damaging to young teeth.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tomorrow is the Big Day

To Azie,
All the mommies of West New York would like to wish you the very best delivery possible tomorrow. We will welcome Kingston into our clan (even though he's technically a Floridian) and can't wait to post cutie pie pics of him for all to see. Best of luck tomorrow. All of our hearts will be with you at 9am...muahhhhhh

Monday, June 1, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Hey there mommies... Let's swim!
I would like to set up swim lessons for the kiddies on Friday afternoons at the pool by building 25 (cause it has lots of shade). Don't panic if you aren't a renter there, as they aren't strict about checking id's and any residents that do go can each bring two guests so we should be okay. I am planning on calling the same instructor we had last summer as it seemed most people tougt he was great (except for his occasional tardiness) Please Please Please email me or post a comment on this blog (with your real name) letting me know if you would be interested in joining this group. I believe the class costs between $18-$20 per class, but that you can pay as you go..
Hope to hear from and see EVERYONE that reads this blog...