Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Teething Mania

Oh boy..teething sucks..poor baby, poor mommy. Alexarya and I have not had to deal much with the issue of teething till now cause she still only had two teeth, but starting last week, the torture began. A new tooth just broke the surface and I think she is getting another one somewhere cause her hands are constantly in her mouth, she is cranky cranky cranky and she's doesn't eat much. I can understand. If a sharp, pointy, tooth was trying to slice through my virgin gums I wouldn't feel much like pressing on them either. Alexarya was up at 4:30am last night crying in pain...So what is a mom to do?!! Short of stopping the teeth from coming in, I guess we can only just be good mommies... We can be loving, compassionate and patient; always trying to remember that the crabby and whiny baby was not always this way and will not continue to be this way after the pain subsides (only 17 more to go!). We can read up on and try new things to alleviate the discomfort, even if it's only for a moment. We can share our ideas with each other cause you never can tell which things might help.
Here are some of the things I have tried
Please e-mail me some of your favorites so I can add them to the post.
1. A frozen grape (I always keep a bunch in the freezer)
2. Vanilla teething ring
3. Hylands teething tablets... 3 at a time before each nap or bedtime and 1 during the day every 20 minutes till she is less crabby. (works pretty nicely) "This homeopathic combination of natural substances relieves the restlessness peevish whining and irritability."
4. baby orajel (she likes to bite on the bottle. It's a good size and texture)
5.This one she really likes. I bought a box of pedialyte pops and cut them all open and poured out the pedialyte. Then I filled the plastic shells with 90% water and %10 grape juice. I put them back in the box (carefully) and froze them. When we are home and I see Alexarya with her hand in her mouth (poor thing) I put her in her booster chair, roll up her sleeves, put on the bib and give her the ice pop. I break it in the middle so she can squeeze it and have the ice come up as she wants. She loves it. I'm sure it numbs her gums so they don't hurt as much but it's also just a great distraction for her. The plastic covering keeps this from being super messy like a regular ice pop would be, so it's good for me too.
6. I have heard a frozen wash cloth works too, but I forgot I knew that. I'm going to try it tomorrow! heehe
7. Love and Patience and Love Love Love

Monday, March 30, 2009


I edited the slideshow tonight and had to take Azie's photos off to add a new ones and I felt kind of bad that the new pics don't really represent all the mommies and babies the way the old slideshow did. So, if you would like more representation on the blog of you and your cutie pie please come to some events so I can snap some shots of you. I've been good about bringing my camera, or you can e-mail me some pics that you'd like on the slideshow. Maybe I am over thinking this and no-one really cares or is even reading it, but just in case....
my email is justwestofme@gmail.com

Dinner Tonight

Alexarya has been teething these days and hasn't been interested in eating much. Still I put it out there and give it a try. Tonight we had chicken casserole with peas and mushrooms a bowl of slices of fresh oranges and canned soft pears. She had a fun time eating it. Click here to see the video
She finally ate enough to make me happy (this must be how the food and your mother thing starts) I can almost hear my Yiddish accent when I say " jus eat somesing baby, eat!"

Hoboken Residents Only

Well I showed up at the Library today for lapsit in Hoboken and I ran into Tracy and Oliva. They wouldn't let us in cause we were not Hoboken residents. Eventhough I called and confirmed that we could, they said nope. So we went to the park across the street and just hung out for a while. It was fun. Tracy is real sweet. Sorry for the misinformation. I hope no-one else showed up and got turned away.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Baby and Me Tomorrow at Hoboken Library

Baby and Me
Hoboken resident children ( I called and they said you dont have to be from Hoboken) between the ages of 6 and 18 months.
Every last Monday of the month @ 11:00 am.
Simple Stories, songs, nursery rhymes, and fingerplay.

500 park ave 07030
Alexarya and I will be there. Hope to see you there.

Little Gym

A few of the mom's wanted some info about the little gym, so here it is...
Olga, Alina, Alexarya and I go to class Tues and Wed mornings. The girls LOVE IT!!! I mean love it!! They run around playing from the moment it starts till the moment it ends. I will post pics next week.
This is their philosophy:
Our professionally developed, non-competitive curriculum has been designed to build motor skills while having fun, and simultaneously fostering enhanced emotional, intellectual and social skills. Our programs include movement, music, gymnastics, sports, exercise, games, listening and cooperation. Each child receives individual attention and progresses at their own pace in a non-threatening, warm and nurturing environment.
The girl who leads the class is super sweet and toddler friendly.
It's my favorite weekly activity by far.
Classes for our age kids (10-19months) are
Mon.. Tues ...Thurs ...Sat
9:15 ..10:00 ..12:30 ...9:15
The semester has already started but they will pro-rate it if you want to join now.
Hope you do!!!

Little Stars Theatre Music Class

Angela filled me in on this new music class alternative. Check it out.
Little Stars Theatre will be having a class on Thursday afternoon this Spring at 3. The series will start on April 23rd and run for 10 weeks. The cost of the session will be $225. The classes will be taught by two fabulous women, TAMMY JACOBS and ADRA LEMOS-YAMAMOTO. Both women are professional singers/actors who formerly performed on Broadway. Both have been teaching music and drama for years.
The 3pm class will be Movement through Music – A “Mommy/Daddy/Caregiver & Me” class for babies and toddlers (ages 6 months – 18 months). An introduction to musical concepts and rhythm using songs and instruments. A fun environment to play, meet other parents & enjoy quality time with baby.
All classes will be held at CanDo Fitness in City Place, Edgewater

Please contact littlestarstheatre@yahoo.com or (201) 917-5702

Friday, March 27, 2009

Music Together

Well, this term of music together is coming to a close. I don't think most of us will be taking the class next semester which is kind of sad. I can remember our first class like it was yesterday. It's hard to believe 9 months have gone by since then. Remember when we first started our babies were like little lumps who just sat there in our laps?!!! Some slept, some ate and some cried. Most just stared out into space, having no idea what was going on. hehehe. Today's class was nothing like that. Our babies are not babies any more. They are rambunctious little toddlers, crawling, walking, singing, playing and ignoring Leslie (just like the mommies lol) . It's been fun to watch everyone grow up. Perhaps when the kiddies are older we will form another music class and sing together again.


Symposia Bookstore - 510 Washington St.
Mo, Tu, Th and Fr at 10 and 11 a.m.
On Tu and Th there is a 4p.m. show as well for all you working moms ;-)
Like I said, for those who are going to drive there is no parking out front from 9-10am so its perfect. When you get there for the 10am show there is always a spot. (Don't take mine though..lol)
Two new shows every week
Phone: (201) 963-0909 to reserve a place. (They ask that you call ahead just to make sure there is room. I try to remember, sometimes I call 10 minutes before. I have not called a few times and they have let me in. Only once was it too crowded and she asked if I could come back later, I couldn't so she let me stay. So, try to call ahead, but if you forget, don't stress about it.
$14 drop in
$10 second show the same week

I highly recommend this event. Olga and I go every Thursday at 10am. Hope to see you there.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cheerios Delight

Alina had a blast playing at Alexarya's house today. Boy is it fun to be a kid. The pics say it all.

Azie's Blog

Azie arrived safe and sound in Florida yesterday. Not surprisingly she has already written on her new blog. Anyone who would like to follow her blog while she is in Fl can click on the link and check in. Azie's blog

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

In the Motherhood show reminder

In the motherhood starts tomorrow (Thursday night) March 26th at 8pm on ABC. It looks hilarious. Click here to see a preview.

Food Exploration

So instead of recipe of the week I think I might try to include you in my food exploration with Alexarya. These days I am trying to help her learn to feed herself as much as possible, try new foods and have a good time eating. I have resigned myself to the fact that it gets messy and that it's just part of the fun. I find that if I am well prepared (wipes on hand, big plastic bib for her, clothes I don't care too much about on me)I have a an easier time just letting go and being relaxed. Alexarya is certainly not as good an eater as Hunter (who could be) so many times I have to be very patient when feeding her. I try my best to make it a scheduled activity when we are home and give us plenty of time to enjoy. Another thing I have found is that Alexarya will try new foods much more easily if I will eat them first, let her feed them to me or let her feed them to herself. If at first she doesn't like a new food (or an old favorite) I will give her a little time, eat some myself, make some yumm yumm noises and try again. If I still can't get her to eat more I will offer it to her again latter that day or in the next few days and move on to something else.
I'm sure you have found too that sometimes they are just not hungry and no matter what you try, they don't want it...lol.. I've hear that's okay too. When they get hungry they will eat. It's better to not force food, or create a tense environment around feeding. So just let it go with a smile.

New Food For Baby

Today we tried white Cannellini Beans. I bought them in a can, put a baby size bowl of them in the microwave and heated them up for 2 minutes. Then I let them sit for about 10 minutes to cool off. I put Alexarya in her booster seat with the tray, rolled up her sleeves, put the bowl on the tray, handed her a spoon, leaned in toward her and opened my mouth. ;-0
She put her hands right into the bowl and giggled. They were warm and there was some juice the bowl that must have felt really good. Then she took one out and ate it. Turns out she LOVED it. That's great. The rest was just a good old time, 25 minutes of her trying to feed me with the spoon, feed herself with her hands and a bunch of beans on the floor. After she ate tons of beans I gave her some wheat crackers and water in a sippy cup. Hope you try Cannellini beans and your kiddie loves them too.

Well that's how gourmet goes at our house

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fare-the-Well, Friends!

It is with a heavy heart that I type my final post as a West NY Mommy.
Tonight is my last night here - our flight leaves at 11am tomorrow for Orlando.
While I am thrilled at the prospect of being close to my family and having a lighter financial load, I am conflicted because my friends and fellow Mommies here have made this community my home away-from-home.
I am so fortunate to have found such close, true friends here -- so lucky to have had the opportunity to share my experiences with you all. Thank you for making this move hard on me.
If it were easy to move away, I would feel like I made no impact on my community and that my time here was insignificant. 
I feel like, together, we created a mini-family of sisters and cousins who we could share with, count on, lean on, and enjoy the ups and downs of Motherhood with. I tend to envision us as a tribe or village of Moms. Knowing I played a small part in something so natural and beautiful makes me feel like I have accomplished something grand and important. 
As I've said to many of you in person, we will more than likely return once Kingston is a couple of months old -- if Trav's job leads us back here. If not, we'll be visiting family here from time to time so this isn't a "goodbye". Those of you close to us are more than welcome to come visit us in SUNNY Florida too!! :) I encourage it. 
Once I post my first entry on my new blog, I'll send the link to Justine so you can keep in touch.
Thank you, Justine, for maintaining the blog and doing such a wonderful job at keeping the Mommies going strong!
Lots of Love and Best of Luck to you all,
Azie *& Trav, Hunter, and Kingston*

Monday, March 23, 2009

Ben and Jerry's "eCONEomincs relief"

Click on the title of this post to get more info.
Sounds like a fun idea. Ben and Jerry's is having a promotion tomorrow (Tuesday March 24th) . Bring in a can of non-perishable food that gets donated to our local food bank and we get a cone for only $1. I found out about this on the meetup group. It looks like a few of the moms are going to meet up there around 4pm tomorrow. I am going to try to make it if Alexarya isn't napping at that time. I have been interested in meeting some of the mommies in that group for while. Let's represent West New York Mommies! Hope to see you there..

Saturday, March 21, 2009


I'm sure most of you have seen this site ---> Polyvore <--- but for those who haven't, have I got a great time-warp for you! :)
I found it by happenstance...I was looking for yellow flats last year and a link in my search directed me to a Polyvore user's "set". 
Basically, you sign up for a free account and then "create sets". A set is a series of pictures that the program allows you to overlap and resize to create a new picture or collage. Mainly, it is used for fashion like in these sets below:
Roleplay: picnic date
Roleplay: picnic date - by Karine Minzon Wilson on Polyvore.com
However, there are some artistic-minded users who make "sets" in a more creative manner as shown here:
stuck in birds tree (For graziana )
stuck in birds tree (For graziana ) - by stylish_princess on Polyvore.com
I also saw a category for Interior Design, which I thought was really cool:
Untitled - by ~*NiNi*~ on Polyvore.com
One of the best parts about this site is that each component of your over-laying picture is listed in your right side-bar for purchase (for example the pink pillow above is listed for $22 at wakeupfrankie.com) and there is a pic and link for each item making it easy for shoppers who see something they can't live without. 
I made my first set tonight but since I didn't have an account it was deleted before I could publish it. It wasn't that great anyway but I decided to create an account so if I wanted to dabble in the future, I could without the frustration of 15 minutes of work disappearing. 
It would be a cool idea for a special occasion "wish list" or just something to occupy your time at work when you're over searching your usual web haunts. 

Recipe of the Week - Actually Yummy Oatmeal Cookies

When I see "Oatmeal Cookies" in a cookbook, I feel like turning the page in search of their more sinful cousins. However, in an effort to finish up pantry items before our move (lest my husband tell me ANOTHER time how much food I over-buy -- even tho when I purchased the groceries in the pantry I had no idea we'd be moving...but I digress) I decided to make Oatmeal Cookies b/c I had two canisters of the Old Fashioned Oats from Quaker. I bought them because when made with pineapple juice, the oatmeal increased my milk supply while breast-feeding. I ate it about 3 times per day. I'll post that recipe too...
Sorry for all the tangents. :) Preggy brain. And moving brain.
So here's the deal: I made these cookies. They are FRIGGIN awesome -- and not just "for an oatmeal cookie". I mean, I would actually request these at a bakery. 
I changes the walnuts to chocolate chips to guarantee my hubby would help eat them. And I halved the recipe b/c the original (below) makes enough for a small army.

Hope you enjoy!!

Oatmeal Cookies

1 cup butter, softened
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 1/4 + 1/8 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 cups quick cooking oats
1 cup chopped walnuts

1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).
2. In a large bowl, cream together butter, brown sugar, and white sugar until fluffy. Beat in eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. Combine the flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon; stir into the creamed mixture. Mix in oats and nuts until just blended. Drop by heaping teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets. Cookies should be at least 2 inches apart.
3. Bake for about 12 minutes in the preheated oven. Cool cookies on a wire rack.

Recipe of the Week - Caribbean Shrimp Salad

I meant to add this recipe a couple of weeks ago -- I made it while Mom was visiting and it was so easy and fresh. It's a great summer salad, too. Mom suggested keeping all of the ingredients separate in a "salad bar" style set-up to cater to different tastes. (She said this since I made Trav a different version since he doesn't eat mangoes or avocados...his had cucumber and peaches instead.) I LOVED the vinaigrette, too. Maybe it's because I am preggy but I felt like I could just drink it from the bowl since it was so fresh and limey!
Caribbean Shrimp Salad with Lime Vinaigrette

• 2  cups  chopped cooked shrimp (about 3/4 lbs)
• 2.5  tablespoons  seasoned rice vinegar, divided
• 1  tablespoons  chili garlic sauce (such as Lee Kum Kee)
• 3/4  tablespoons  olive oil
• 1/2  tablespoon  grated lime rind
• 1/8  cup  fresh lime juice (about 3 large limes)
• 1/4  teaspoon  paprika
• 1/4  teaspoon  ground cumin
• 1  garlic cloves, minced
• Dash of salt
• 4  cups  fresh baby spinach
1/2  cup  chopped peeled mango (about 1 large)
1/2  cup  chopped pineapple
• 1/2  cup  julienne-cut radishes (or slaw mix)
• 1/8  cup  diced peeled avocado
• 1/4  cup  thinly sliced green onions
• 1  tablespoons  unsalted pumpkinseed kernels

Combine shrimp, half the vinegar, and chili garlic sauce in a large bowl; toss well. Cover and chill 1 hour.
Combine remaining 3 tablespoons vinegar, oil, and next 6 ingredients (through salt) in a small bowl, stirring with a whisk.
Place 2 cups spinach on each of 4 plates; top each serving with 1 cup shrimp mixture. Arrange 1/4 cup mango, 1/4 cup radishes, and 1 tablespoon avocado around shrimp on each plate. Top each serving with 2 tablespoons green onions and 1 1/2 teaspoons pumpkinseed kernels. Drizzle each salad with 2 tablespoons vinaigrette.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Recipe of the Week - Easy Hummus

I'm trying to use up our pantry items before we move and I found a can of Garbanzo beans so I decided to make Hummus. I didn't have any Tahini (which is in the original recipe for Hummus) so I found this recipe instead:

1 (15 ounce) can garbanzo beans, drained, liquid reserved
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground paprika
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
sesame seeds

1. In a blender or food processor combine all ingredients. Blend on low speed, gradually adding reserved bean liquid, until desired consistency is achieved. 

**Allow me to mention I added WAY more of everything (other than the beans) and tasted as I blended each time to suit my taste -- I prefer really robust flavor in my hummus. I served it luke-warm, drizzled olive oil, and sprinkled paprika on top. I heated up some Indian Naan bread (from Trader Joes frozen section) and also sliced a few celery stalks to dip as a healthy alternative. YUM!**

Aidet Mobarak! (Happy New Year!)

Some of you may know that my heritage is mainly a mix of Persian & Norweigan.
My father made sure I grew up learning about the Persian culture and a part of that education was celebrating a cultural holiday called "Norouz" (translation to New Day) or Persian New Year.

We celebrate it beginning on the First Day of Spring (usually the 20th or 21st of March) and the holiday lasts for 13 days, ending with a community picnic called "Seezdah Bedar". The translation literally means "getting rid of 13".
As a child, my favorite part of Norouz was getting a present every morning when I woke up, all the yummy food, and the nightly visitors and parties. As a Mom, it's fun to decorate the house and I can't wait watch Hunter enjoy all of the traditional celebrations. 

To decorate, we create a "Haft Seen" which is literally translated to the "7 S's". 
An excerpt from a Persian site: A few days prior to the New Year, a special cover is spread on to the Persian carpet or on a table in every Persian household. This ceremonial table is called cloth of seven dishes, (each one beginning with the Persian letter cinn). The number seven has been sacred in Iran since the ancient times, and the seven dishes stand for the seven angelic heralds of life-rebirth, health, happiness, prosperity, joy, patience, and beauty.

 A Haft Seen has the following components...
1. Sabzeh or sprouts, usually wheat or lentil representing rebirth.2. Samanu is a pudding in which common wheat sprouts are transformed and given new life as a sweet, creamy pudding and represents the ultimate sophistication of Persian cooking.
3. Seeb means apple and represents health and beauty.4. Senjed the sweet, dry fruit of the Lotus tree, represents love. It has been said that when lotus tree is in full bloom, its fragrance and its fruit make people fall in love and become oblivious to all else.
5. Seer which is garlic in Persian, represents medicine.
6. Somaq sumac berries, represent the color of sunrise; with the appearance of the sun Good conquers Evil.
7. Serkeh or vinegar, represents age and patience.

In addition to these components, many Persians add a mirror for honesty, lit candles for enlightenment, Hyacinth flowers ("Sonbol"), coins ("Serkeh") for wealth, colored eggs similar to Easter for fertility, etc. 
These (above) are pictures of my Haftseen from last year (this year we're packing so I'll have one in Orlando). 

There was your cultural lesson for the month! Happy New Year! :) 

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ode to the Author

Azie, I just wanted to thank you and the whole transition team over there at apt 926. Over the past few months you and your crew have really packed this blog chock full of useful information. The culinary department, with it's first rate chefs, not to mention the highly skilled culinary photography and re-touch crews that managed to find and display refreshingly new reciepes each week. I will need the names of all the people on the research team, the internet search team and the "why it's worth your time" team. I have heard rumors that your stylist/professional typist is going to be following you down to Florida and I'm okay with that, as I would never really be able to pull of the whole, cutie pie dress, matching heels and perfect hair thing anyway. I'll see if Justyn will help me out with the typing when he has some down time. But enough about the transition I will work out all the details with your staff once you are gone.. What I do need to say is...THANK YOU. From the very bottom of my heart. This blog has effected my daily life in so many ways. It is because of it that I discovered many of the fun things Alexarya and I have done over the past year. It is because of your willingness to share your feeling about some very deep personal issues that I felt reassured that I was not the only one going crazy as a new mom. It is because of you that many of the Mommies of West New York found each other, rely on each other and have befriended each other. I know for me, personally, checking in and reading this blog made me feel like I was part of something, eventhough, i only read the entries, eventhough I didn't go to most of the events (lol), I still felt like I was connected to a whole community of wondeful mommies, all just trying their best to figure out how to survive their first borns first year. I loved looking at all the photos you would take of ALL the mommies and ALL the babies. Seeing all their faces made me feel like we were so many, and everyone was so familiar. I believe you helped pull this community together. You may say that you just wrote this blog to express how you felt and that it didn't reallt matter to you if people were reading it or not..well, maybe that's why it was so successful. It was real and true...just like you Azie...Thank you
I'm not sure how in the world I will be able to follow an act like this but I will give it my best try. And anyway, I'm just going to imagine you are out on maternity leave..The job will be yours again as soon as Trav gets a new job back here and you guys return...Till then I'll do my best; however, these girls will have to do without the recipe of the week as I only know how to cook 3 things...LOL
...All our love and best wishes to you, Trav, Hunter and Kingston...
Justine and all
The West New York Mommies

Recipe of the Week - 7 Layer Bar

I found this recipe online, tried it a couple weeks ago, and tested it out on my hubby and Kellie. 
Both enjoyed it (or said they did) so here it is for you to try...
I found it was best to let it sit before cutting into it so the bars would solidify.
It is NOTHING like the Starbucks version, as it claims to be, but good and naughty nonetheless.

7 Layer Bar
Can't miss recipe for a better than Starbucks 7 Layer Bar

1/4 lb. margarine
1 1/4 c. crushed graham crackers
1 c. coconut
6 oz. chocolate chips
6 oz. butterscotch chips
1 c. nuts
1 can Eagle Brand milk
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Melt the margarine in the bottom of a 9 x 13-inch pan. Layer in pan as listed: crushed graham crackers, coconut, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips and nuts, pouring the Eagle Brand milk over all. Bake for 25 minutes.
Cool and cut into squares, bars or diamonds. Makes 36 squares. 

*Mine made only 12 squares...I guess I was more liberal with the portion size* :) 

Missing You

I feel bad for Hunter...he's going to really miss his friends once we move! :(
Okay, who am I kidding? I will too! Which is even more reason for Florida visits soon. 
Come play with us at the beach, at Disney, Sea World, any of the 100s of Lakefront parks...I'd love to see you guys! 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


This is the weather we'll be flying home to:
Central Florida
Wed - Mar 25
Mostly Sunny
high 80°
low 58°
I have a feeling Hunter and I will spend the remainder of the summer cooling off in our pool -- my hormones are out of whack b/c of the pregnancy (I walk outside here in a tank top when it's 40 degrees outside)...and Hunter, well, he's a sweaty Italian little guy and prefers nudity to clothing anyway. 

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Change of Hands

I have FABULOUS news for you West New York Mommas!! 
Justine has graciously volunteered to step up and maintain our blog. 
You are all in store for a treat because J is not only wittier than I am but she complains a lot less too. :) 
AND since she's native to NYC, she is always in the know when it comes to new events and fun places to take the kiddles. And she doesn't use words like "kiddles". 
So you can stop grieving my absence and start celebrating a blogging change of hands. ;) 
For those who want to keep up with my banal existence in Florida *I can only hope* I have started a new blog and will post the address up here soon.

Saving Grace Photography

Thanks to Kellie, many months ago, I was referred to this TOTE BRILL *wink* photographer.
Her name is Janine Dietz and her company is Saving Grace Photography.
Here are some of her latest shots from Hunter's 1-year Session and a few Maternity shots of me.
I am HIGHLY recommending her for your family photos. 
She worked SO hard to captivate Hunter's attention and judging by the finished product you would never know how unruly he was. :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Baby Loves Disco - Recommendation

For those who didn't try Baby Loves Disco today -- you missed out!!
It was SUCH a well-coordinated, fun, affordable event.
I plan on doing it again and again...although in Orlando versus Manhattan.
There were tons of complimentary yummy snacks and beverages for the Babies and Parents, good music, a couple of bubble machines, LOTS of tents and toys and play-mats and designated dance areas, a complimentary face-painter and "tattoo artist", I could go on...
For just $15 per person it was WELL worth a trip to the Village. We LOVED it!!
It's a monthly event so I strongly urge you to buy your tickets for April before they sell out and most importantly -- go with friends!!
Here are some pics from today:

Baby Loves Disco

Hi Moms-

I can't wait to see you at Baby Loves Disco today!
After packing all week I need this break from reality.
Hunter's preparing by dancing to The Wiggles right now... :) 

See ya soooooooooon!

*I'm bringing my cam to take some pics of the kiddles for the site.*

Friday, March 13, 2009

Last Night's Ladies Night

Yesterday I spent all of my energy (and some borrowed energy) packing up Hunter's nursery.
Being REALLY preggy (those who have seen me lately can attest to that) and having a 13-month old weaving in and out of my legs as I attempt to pack made my job even more time-consuming and exhausting.
Although I was looking forward to getting out of the house and being with the girls, I was in a funk and didn't even feel like getting ready for our Ladies Night event.
Since I was the organizer, I had no choice, really. So I took a shower, put on something halfway decent, donned my plum velvet pumps and headed out the door.
I told myself "It's not like I can buy anything anyways...I'm HUGE and nothing will fit me," as I drove to the store. I then ran through my mental to-do list and scolded myself for even considering taking a break for something frivolous.
I parked, walked to Ambience, and entered the store. This is where my attitude changed.
I was greeted by D (the owner) and G (the awesome saleswoman) with such warmth and familiarity. Just behind them were Angela, Leslie, and Justine, all trying on clothes and having fun. Within seconds my resolve to be "preoccupied with life" dissolved and I allowed myself to enjoy this time away.
By the time I left the store an hour and a half later, I was walking arm-in-arm with one of my best friends, laughing about our evening together and promising to have lunch next week.
On the way home, I wondered what I was so afraid of -- letting go of my Mommy/Wife tasks for just an hour or two? 
Why is it that our hubbies can play Basketball numerous times per week for hours at a time without feeling like they are robbing the family of time together yet when I have something on a rare occasion that comes up, I feel guilty about it? When Trav plays his B-Ball games I don't ever feel like he's not being a good husband or father. So why would I put that pressure on myself to be present all the time? It was hard being the sole care-taker for Hunter (while Trav was working non-stop) and then suddenly sharing the responsibility. It shouldn't be...it should be a relief. And in most ways it is...but there is still that nagging feeling that I shouldn't have a life of my own right now because I didn't for the past year. 
This. Must. Change.
My resolution once we move is to allow others to share more of the baby-responsibilities so I can enjoy being my own woman again. Yes, I ADORE being Hunter's Mommy and Trav's Wife but I don't want that to define me. I want to attend my dance classes, see a chick-flick with my girlfriends, and get my nails done. I'm thankful that now we are moving back to Orlando I'll have the ability to do those things without hiring a sitter or working around Trav's impossible schedule. 
So let this act as a reminder to all of you other Mommas who find themselves "punishing" themselves like I did...
I REALLY enjoyed Ladies Night last night and I realized how much I needed and deserved it. You do too. Get off the sofa, out of the kitchen, out of your office, off the glider, and MAKE PLANS! :) You won't regret it.
Speaking of Ladies Night ---> if you need new jeans, Ambience is selling almost all of their designer jeans for $49!! They normally retail for $158 and up. Check them out! They also have a lot of tops and dresses on sale and D is spectacular at finding something your body looks amazing in. *which is crucial for our post-baby bodies* You can also shop their site: LINK

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

REMINDER: Mommy's Night Out

Our Ladies Night is in 2 short days!! :) 
PLEASE come to Ambience. You won't be sorry!! RSVP not necessary, just show up!
They are providing the "ambience" (ha) with wine, fruit, and cheese platters and special deals just for the West New York Mommies group. 
There is no obligation to buy anything -- just escape your family for the evening and come hang with the girls. 
They're located next to Panera in City Place on River Road and are expecting us from 6 - 8pm. 
As added incentive, I'd like to note that this is the last month I'll be planning events for the WNYMommas. 
We are packing up the fam and heading for warmer weather (sunny Florida). I'm super excited (albeit a little sad) to leave because this pregnancy has been a struggle in balancing time spent with Hunter and time spent resting my body. Kingston is due in a couple months and being close to family would be a huge relief (versus maintaining the single-mom status I had while Trav was hustling as an Investment Banker). 
SO if you don't come to Ambience, Baby Loves Disco, and any of our evening playdates in the Playroom, there is a good chance I won't be seeing you and you'll be on your own for Mommy activities from April going forward. ;) Wishing you all the best!!

Monday, March 9, 2009


Why am I just now hearing about this development? It's going to be right next door to us!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Quick & Delicious

This morning I was pressed for time -- actually Kingston was telling me if I didn't eat within 15 minutes there would be heck to pay -- so I got out my trusty waffle mix from the pantry.
Like most of us I prefer making homemade pancakes and waffles - however this mix has saved me many a Sunday morning. :)
The mix I used was the "complete" kind that just needs water added. I can totally taste the difference between homemade and mix-made so I decided to substitute the water with half buttermilk and half water to add a little flavor. I also added about 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, 1/2 cup of chopped walnuts, and ground some cinnamon sticks into the mix. (Serve it with melted butter and hot maple syrup.) 
This made 2 Belgian-style waffles.
I should've taken a pic but we ate them so quickly when they came off the iron that I didn't have a chance!
The waffles were SOOO yummy and easy and Trav complimented the recipe. I wanted to share because sometimes we forget that we don't have to follow all the instructions on the package - us mommies are usually in auto-pilot mode. I also add applesauce and cinnamon-sugar to my pancake mix to spice things up a bit...or 1/2 cup of oats and 1 sliced banana tossed in a little maple syrup. 
Bon Appetit! 

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ha! In Your FACE Manny Ramirez!

I am a huge fan of Chelsea Handler and I DVR her show, Chelsea Lately, as my guilty pleasure. :)
Last night's show she sent a message to former Red Sox player, Manny Ramirez:

Well played, Chelsea. Well played. 

Haiku Share

My g'friend, Lara, started this trend today by proclaiming it Haiku Tuesday. I wrote a haiku (below) for her site and thought it would be fun for you to share too.
A Haiku is a non-rhyming Japanese poem with the format of 3 lines with the syllable pattern of 5/7/5 meaning the first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the third line has 5 syllables. 
Leave your own haiku as a comment to this post. :) 
Here's mine:

Still in my PJs
My hair resembles a nest
Smelling of baby

Monday, March 2, 2009

Recipe of the Week - Pappardelle Pasta

I made this lunch for us today before Travis' flight out. It was yummmmy and simple. Hunter loved it, too! (I found the recipe in everyday FOOD magazine.)

Serves 4

1 tablespoon olive oil
2 medium onions, halved and thinly sliced
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
Coarse salt and ground pepper
1 package (8.8 ounces) pappardelle pasta or 8 ounces fettuccine
2 tablespoons butter
2 ounces Parmesan, shaved with a vegetable peeler


In a large skillet, heat oil over medium. Add onions and thyme; season with salt and pepper. Cover, and cook, without stirring, until onions have released their liquid, about 5 minutes. Uncover, and cook, stirring occasionally, until deep golden brown, 25 to 30 minutes more. When bottom of skillet darkens, add a few tablespoons water, and scrape up browned bits with a wooden spoon (you may need to do this 2 or 3 times).
Meanwhile, bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. When onions have about 10 minutes left to cook, add pasta to water in pot, and cook until al dente. Reserve 1/2 cup pasta water; drain pasta, and return to pot.
Add onions and butter to pasta in pot; season with salt and pepper, and toss to combine. Gradually add enough pasta water to create a thin sauce that coats pasta. Serve pasta topped with Parmesan.

Helpful Hint
The secret to this pasta is cooking the onions until they're a deep golden brown; to keep them intact, stir only occasionally. Pappardelle, like other egg-based noodles, cook very quickly (even when sold dried). We like this pasta with butter-and-cheese sauces, such as this one.

Huntington L.I.

This weekend we took Hunter to Trav's cousin's home in Huntington Long Island. He really enjoyed the playground (above).
Now Trav is on a flight to San Diego for a possible job opportunity in California. I'm solo with Hunter, which is what I was used to for so long...but these days my preggy self struggles with basic tasks without panting! ;)
Trav returns mid-week and Mom arrives later in the week so this coming weekend I'll be loving having my family together. 
I'll be available next week for play-dates...also remember Ambience is on Thursday night! Goody!