Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ben and Jerry's blogging disaster

Okay, so I dropped the blogging ball today. I totally missed posting the free ice cream at Ben and Jerry's. Alexarya and I were out of the house at 8:20am to go to Little Gym and we hung out at Ikea and the Christmas store with Olga and Alina (and Olga's mom, who is visiting from Russia for the next 2 months) all afternoon. I got an e-mail on my iphone from Erin around 7:45am telling me about the free ice cream and sharing her wish for me to post the news but I was already in the car when I read it. Then I got an e-mail from Ben and Jerry's telling me of the news but I was not home to post it on the blog. I felt so guilty about it. I mean here I am, trying to help bring the fun events to the mommies of West New York and I am failing to report a FREE ice cream cone!! Mommy blog news doesn't get more important than that! Well, by the time I got home I was wiped out but Alexarya was in the mood to play play play so we did. When I finally put her down for a little nap at 4:30 I checked my email and low and behold there was an email from no other than my mommy blogging nemesis, Azie Shellhorse and to my horror and disbelief I proceeded to read the email she sent to all the West New York mommies informing them about the free ice cream cone at our local Ben and Jerry's. That was the last straw. I decided it must be time for me to hang up my blogging shoes and call it quits. So with my head hanging low, I woke up my sleeping baby and dragged her to Ben and Jerry's to get myself a free cone. When I got there I ran into Kelly who was outside with Madeleine enjoying their free cone of half baked. I said hello, with my head hung low, sure that she wasn't there because of anything she'd read on the blog. She said hi too. As I turned away to get on the line, she said to me that she just wanted to thank me for doing the blog. ;-) and she left it at that.
Well, I had planned on going to go home and resigning as blog editor but after hearing Kelly's encouraging words I realized that there were people out there who wanted me to keep writing. Who want me to keep posting. Who would like me to keep this town's mommies informed and united. So, while I can not promise to report every single thing going on in this crazy town I will promise you this..the next time there is a free cone at Ben and Jerry's you better believe you will here it from me first!!!!!


  1. Justine, you are toooo much! :) ha ha
    Blogging Nemesis, eh? Mama likey the name...except I like abbreviating everything and BN sound too similar to BM so I'll have to pass on adopting it as my real title.
    I checked the blog first before sending the email, btw...as I check the blog daily. I love all the posts and as I've said before -- I am THRILLED you took over in my absence b/c you ROCK.
    So NO quitting dammit!
    And here I was, thinking you weren't nearly as dramatic as me...I'll have to reconsider.
    MISS YOU ladies SOOO MUCH!
    Az, The "BN"

  2. Forgot to mention how LAME Orlando is -- they didn't participate in Free Cone Day! SO to spite B&J's, I drove to Marble Slab and PAID for my own darn ice cream. That'll show 'em.

  3. Don't be ridiculous - you're doing great with the blog! Keep the meal ideas coming - I'm tired of feeding Riley the same things and I'm sure he's sick of eating them :) Now that he's up to 5 teeth, I feel more confident branching out!
