So why does it seem I am frequently one second too late when it comes to rescuing Alexarya from getting hurt? I spend 90% of my day no more than 5 feet away from her, watchful and alert, and yet at least once a day, she seems to meet with disaster. Oddly, I get this strange ESP kind of thing that happens about a second before the tragedy. It seems like a premonition of sorts, and I can almost see the accident before it happens. However, I guess cause I'm new to this whole mommy thing, instead of it causing a knee jerk reaction of jumping toward Alexayra I just sit there thinking "this looks kind of dangerous to me. Maybe she shouldn't be doing that." It never fails, that one second later, she is laying on the floor crying or bleeding or just tangled up in a strange position looking helplessly for me. And I say to myself, why didn't I stop that? I thought it might happen. Why didn't I prevent it?
Well, I was speaking to BN, (aka Azie) about it today and to my surprise and relief she told me that the same thing happens on her watch. (Not sure if that's the same thing, cause it is certainly easier for me to jump over and swoop up Alexarya than it is for Azie to get her 8 month preggie ass over and scoop up her gynormus kid) but still, it was a comforting thought. I'm not a bad mom, or if I am at least I'm not the only bad mom (thanks Azie). We do the best we can, right!?. I'm going to try to listen to my sixth sense from now on and focus on the 100 other times that day that I did manage to spare her from agony; And
today, when Alexarya is half way up the couch balancing her remaining foot on a slippery magazine, I am going to try my best to make it there on time. If by chance I stop her fall and 5 minutes later she gets her finger caught in the drawer I'm not going to feel guilty. This kid has to learn what is safe and what isn't by trial and error. You can't just slide off something twice your height onto an open box of crayons and not get one stuck between your toes...that's an important lesson. One day she'll thank me. (probably from the top of a cliff just before she bungee jumps off...."THANKSSSSSSS MOMMMMMMMMM"......... ;-)
LOL SO TRUE SO TRUE. We mother's are but mere mortals.. I'm convinced our kids are from an outer realm where gravity just doesn't exsist!
It's nice to know I'm not alone! I can so totally relate-Just the other day, Ella opened a kitchen drawer - while I was watching, of course. She then decided to slam the drawer shut on her finger (pushing it shut with all her weight.) What the heck was I thinking!? Not saving her in the nick of time?