Dr. Bacha rocks, not just because he has 4 healthy, grown kids or because 2 of them work with him, not just because he's slow to vaccinate, and light on anti-biotics, not just because he is a sole practitioner that recommends many holistic alternatives and turned me on to an excellent physical therapist that cured Alexarya's torticollis without a helmet but because no matter when I go there, no matter what I go there for, he spends tons of time with us. For our 1 yr check up he spent an entire hour with us discussing the transitions!
Today he just leaned back in his chair and we talked till Alexarya felt safe enough for him to examine her. He laughed with me and went though all the possibilities. He did point out that she has only gained .03lbs in the last few weeks so he wanted us to try a food alternative. He told me that Nestle just came out with a new product called Kid ess

I thought I'd share this shake with you just in case your little one is going though the same thing. ;-) or you are just worried he/she doesn't get enough good stuff.
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