Monday, March 30, 2009


I edited the slideshow tonight and had to take Azie's photos off to add a new ones and I felt kind of bad that the new pics don't really represent all the mommies and babies the way the old slideshow did. So, if you would like more representation on the blog of you and your cutie pie please come to some events so I can snap some shots of you. I've been good about bringing my camera, or you can e-mail me some pics that you'd like on the slideshow. Maybe I am over thinking this and no-one really cares or is even reading it, but just in case....
my email is

1 comment:

  1. I can NOT believe you took my slideshow down!! The nerve! :) J/K. It was time for an update. I'd love to see what the other Moms are up to now that I'm in FL so I hope they heed the suggestion and come play with you guys!
    Great job with the blog, Justine. Like I told you last should've taken it over a lonnnng time ago! LOL
    Miss you - Azie
