Friday, September 12, 2008

Sleeping Through the Night

Trav, as most of you know, is rarely home. He works long, stressful hours and in turn so do I.
I'm used to being the sole caretaker of Hunter during the week.
I do his morning routine, eating schedules, afternoon routine, nap schedules, bedtime routine, overnight shift, and all in between. :)
It's a lot of work but you learn to schedule as best as possible and expect the unexpected.
Typically, Hunter will go to sleep somewhere between 9:30-10pm. It's not exact b/c he puts himself to sleep...I put him down at 9:30, though.
He'll wake up anywhere between 6-7am for a bottle then go back down until 9:30am.
Since he's been teething this past week (#11 just showed up -- yikes! ouchy bites!!) he's had a hard time sleeping through the night.
I have had to go in at least once in between bedtime at 10pm and bottle at 6-7am to put him back to sleep.
This has occurred 3 days in a row.
However, when Travis sees how exhausted I am, he offers to take the night shift. When Trav takes the shift, Hunter sleeps through the night.
I wondered how Hunter knew his Papa was on-call until I realized that Trav doesn't have Mommy Sonar. *Mommy Sonar is our instinct to jump out of bed seconds before our baby makes a night-noise that sounds like waking.*
So when Hunter makes his noises and wakes up, Trav sleeps through them (or practices what I like to call the Papa Neglect tactic which isn't real neglect except in the eyes of the mother) and Hunter puts himself back to sleep. 
Mystery solved.
Now if only I could bring myself to practice this strategy, I may actually get some sleep! ;)

1 comment:

  1. so true!! I always wake up 5 minutes before Christian does. My mom says she does too when she stays over. I think that moms/women just have that inner connection with their babies....Vincent always sleeps through me getting up out of bed and going to comfort Christian and returning to bed, His comment the next morning " Christian slept through the night again huh?" He has no clue!!!!
